Monday, September 29, 2008

Birthday times

Mike and I are now one year older :). Mikes B-day was last sunday and mine is today. I had a calculations test this morning which was the worst b-day present ever! But I got 100% and that gift I will take. :) I have another test this friday which is the most failed test in the first yeah a wee bit scared, but no matter what happens life goes on. :)
It feels like Mike has non stop tests right now. He had one on saturday, and has another one tomorrow. He still loves school but the test drama kinda sucks right now.
Well back to studies, my hope is that i live in the library this week and not to slack, a little unlikely, but its a hope.
We love you guys and hope all is going well, let us know if you need any help.

1 comment:

Troy & Emily said...

School stinks, but when it's over, you can look back with a smile and say...was it really that bad?
Good Luck to you both!
--Emily & Troy & Sophy =)